Penerapan Terapi Murottal Terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Kekerasan Klien Skizofrenia di RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi Klaten Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Decrease, Risk of Violent Behavior, Murottal TherapyAbstract
The risk of violent behavior is a response to the stressor faced by someone who is shown by violent behavior both to himself and to other people and the environment both verbally and non-verbally. One way to reduce the impact of violent behavior is by giving murottal therapy. Objective; To find out the results of implementing the Murottal Therapy Application for Changes in the Violent Behavior of Schizophrenic Clients at RSJD Dr. RM. Soedjarwadi, Central Java Province. Method; This type of research is a case study using descriptive research methods. Results; The score for violent behavior change for 2 respondents before the murottal therapy was carried out was at the intensive stage score 2, which means that at the moderate behavior change stage where client 1 got a score of 11 while client 2 got a score of 14. The score for the change in violent behavior for 2 respondents after murottal therapy was at the stage score intensive 3 which means at the stage of mild behavior change where client 1 gets a score of 8 while client 2 gets a score of 9. There are differences in changes in violent behavior in respondents with a risk of violent behavior before and after the murottal therapy intervention. Conclusion; There are differences in changes in violent behavior before and after murottal therapy in patients at risk for violent behavior.
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